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What we offer

At Mint Juicery, we’re dedicated to goodness inside our bottles, so you can be 100% sure each product is providing you delicious fruits and veggies without artificial flavors or added sugars, just how Mother Nature intended.


Our specialty smoothies are carefully crafted with nutritious, functional ingredients combined to satisfy your nutritional needs, delight your taste buds and make you healthy.

What Our Customers Are Saying

Love my Mint Juicery Wellness shots

Love my Mint Juicery Wellness shots. When I drink them I am not as hungry and feel when I do eat I need to eat nutritionally dense foods, not fake foods. I have nice skin, hair, nails and a good deal of energy.

— Mark K.

I am hooked for life!

I feel a major decrease in cravings for sweets. I have lost some weight, nothing major, but that is not my primary goal. I am a runner and have noticed a difference in my endurance and performance. I feel healthier and cleaner. I am hooked for life and my days aren’t the same when I don’t get my normal 32 ounces! I have got my mom hooked and my toddler. My son calls them mooshies” and begs for them all throughout the day. He would keep one in his hand all day long if I’d let him. I’m excited to continue to drink Mint Juicery smoothies and improve my life as well as my family’s.

— Meghan Meredith

I love Mint Juicery smoothies!

Hi my name is Kathy Wells and I love green smoothies. My youngest daughter is 6 and she also loves them now. My oldest is working on them. But I have been able to convert her into eating healthy fruits and veggies. So her smoothies have less green in them but they are getting better.

— Kathy W.